Summer Special: TV celebs on healthy summer foods

In some countries cool, sweet and light foods are considered to be the perfect choice for summer, while surprisingly in some others, hot foods are considered to be the best food during the season.
Whatever the logic is, we prefer to live healthy. And here comes our television celebs to provide us with some tips to beat the heat in this hot summer days.
Paridhi Sharma- Drinking lots of water is one way to keep yourself healthy in hot summer days. Otherwise the best to deal with the summer heat is to have lots of fruits and light foods.
Dheeraj Dhoopar- Oreo milkshake is one thing that I drool over to have during summer. It is something heavenly. Apart from that to keep myself healthy I eat lots of fruits and juices and prefer to have less oily foods.
Sonal Vengurlekar- I believe it’s simple to maintain yourself in summer days. Just eat vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and a bit of dark chocolate. And definitely eat a lot of water and my personal favourite foods at the moment are spinach, cucumber, beetroot, carrot and buttermilk.
Jay Soni- Salad is one food which is the best to have in summer and I prefer to have them. Apart from that consuming lots of liquid in form of water and juices can really be helpful to beat the heat.
Gaurav Chaudhury– Lassi is the first thing that comes to my mind in summers. With that I tend to have light food and try to keep myself away from having much chicken and egg.
Prerna Wanvari– I prefer to have carrot, celery, apple and raw juices for summers. And I also like to have magnum chocolate truffle in summer which really appeals to my taste bud.
What are you going to eat this summer? Let us know by commenting below.