Manish Raisinghan, the new star in the galaxy

Yes readers, we know that Manish Raisinghan aka Sid of Sasural Simar Ka (Rashmi Sharma Telefilms) is one big star of for his beloved fans.
But, when we call him a star, we literally mean it!!!
Here we put some more light on the fact.
Well, Manish has recently received an out of the world gift. One of his fans has recently presented him with a star, named after him in the galaxy.
Wow, amazing! Isn’t it?
When we buzzed Manish, the excited actor stated, “I have a fan, Amina Halem, based in London, who has been in touch with me and the entire team of SSK for quite some times now. Recently she named a star after my name in the galaxy. Such a thoughtful gift it is for me and I am pretty excited about the fact. And I am also intending to watch the heavenly body named Manish Raisinghan in the galaxy, if possible”.
Well all we can say is nothing could have been better than a star (in the galaxy) to gift a star (celeb)!!!