#InternationalYogaDay: TV celebs talk about benefits of yoga!

Yoga, steeped in our ancient culture, is making waves all over the world. It has amazing benefits that can cure the body and mind. We asked a bunch of TV stars about the importance of practicing yoga. Take a look:
Roshni Chopra
Of course I practice yoga, it is very helpful. It balances me emotionally. Due to my busy schedule, I can’t practice it daily but, yes, I still manage to do it 4-5 times a week.
Rubina Dilaik
Yoga is my priority, it’s a combination of soul and physical aspect, full of spirituality. I practice it regularly and I have been doing it for over a decade now.
Giaa Manek
Yoga is brilliant, it helps us more than workouts. The stress levels also go down, lending a glow to the face. I personally practice yoga thrice a week.
Neha Saxena
Yoga is practiced to stay healthy and fit. Even if you do it only for 15 min regularly, it refreshes your mind.
Vahbiz Dorabjee
Yoga is very good for peace of mind. I’m suffering from thyroid, so I don’t practice it religiously.
Shruti Kanwar
Yoga is very important. Usually, going to the gym is harder than performing yoga at home. I am not practicing it yet would surely do it, because I think yoga not only helps your body, but also relaxes your mind.
Kanwar Dhillon
I don’t do yoga, but my mother and father practice it. I think it is for the internal fitness of body and also good for respiration and purification of blood.
Karan Sharma
Yoga is a very natural process of keeping yourself health. I feel that instead of joining a gym, practicing yoga for 15-20 minutes daily will help in internal cleansing of your body. I used to do different yoga asanas but now I don’t have the time.
How frequently do you practice yoga ? Share with us.
I don’t know who iam???
zk r u there?
No voglio gree
See u soon
Disgusting meera cant tolerate this nonsense a daughter should not misbehave like this.